Glasgow's forgotten Andersonian Museum, George Street 1831. The museum was established inwards 1796 from the nucleus of the personal collection of John Anderson, Professor of Oriental Languages in addition to of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow.

Anderson bequeathed coin for the foundation of a novel academy dedicated to pedagogy practical & industrial subjects, thence Anderson's University was founded along amongst its museum. The academy had several homes, including a one-time meat market, before settling inwards George Street

The Andersonian Museum lastly shut inwards 1904 amongst demolition of the old edifice to brand agency for its grand replacement. After several amalgamations the academy became the Royal Technical College in addition to afterward went on to exceed away the University of Strathclyde.

Although John Anderson's advert no longer lives on inwards his academy or museum, he is remembered for having inspired James Watt (who was employed at the University of Glasgow to repair & fabricate scientific instruments) after presenting him amongst a model Newcomen engine for repair.

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